Ginger and Yellow Ginger

What is ginger and yellow ginger?

gingerGinger is an ancient root that you may have seen sometime in the kitchen or in the cook book when you tried to cook yourself a dinner. It's a yellow coloured herb or spice (or vegetable?) that you will find in the grocery section of a store. The classification of ginger is not clear, so it's not necessarily a vegetable or an herb. However, ginger is used in many different forms to spice up the food; picked, dried, crushed and powdered etc. Yellow ginger, or turmeric as it is commonly known, comes from the same family as ginger itself and is also used to spice up foods and delicacies.

This remarkable ancient root has been used a medicine in the past as well and contains several health beneficial properties. This is why many people use it in foods and even hot drinks.

What are the health benefits of ginger and yellow ginger?

Ginger and turmeric (yellow ginger) are laden with numerous health benefits. A couple of centuries ago, it was so popular as a medicine and was in demand so much that it was used for trading between India and Rome. It contains a little north of 12 antioxidants that doctors use to cure patients. It can be used to cure migraines and help relieve menstrual cramps for example. Following are a list of home remedies that one can use ginger and turmeric for.

Ginger home remedies

Ginger improves blood circulation and has a positive effect on the heart.
You can cure morning sickness and prevent yourself from nausea during pregnancy if you intake a gram of ginger every day.
If you have a cold and have excess phlegm, ginger can help you lose the mucus and phlegm that is blocking your nose. Just add a pinch of ginger to your diet and you are done.
Improve your diet and overall digestive system by consuming yellow ginger since it's a good laxative.

How to add ginger to your diet?

The best way to consume ginger in your daily life is to add it to your green tea. It is also one of the most common ways to make ginger a part of your daily life and has an extremely welcoming effect on an upset tummy.
All you have to do is brew some tea for yourself, and instead of going the regular milk and sugar way, just add ginger to black tea or your green tea. It will add taste to your otherwise bland green tea and also provide you numerous benefits.
You can also consume it with simple hot water by adding slices of ginger and lemon, and sipping away to good health.

Yellow ginger side effects

Despite all the benefits, excess usage of yellow ginger can be rather harmful. Intake without limit can lead to ulcer or even cancer in some cases. Excessive intake can also lead to hair loss, so always make sure you are buying from a trusted seller.

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